Data Informed Decision Making Professional Learning Community

This program gives leaders the tools to use data to inform instructional practices and decisions.
Program Overview
The Data Informed Decision Making Professional Learning Community (DIDM PLC) is an opportunity for leaders to work with a community of like-minded leaders to focus on sharpening both their systems and skills to use data to inform instructional decisions. The content will draw from Relay’s foundational DIDM and Weekly Data Meeting content, but will go deeper. Areas of focus will include, but will not be limited to leading strong data meetings in ELA (taking into account the latest research around how standards and text complexity should inform analysis), sharpening skills around using short cycle and interim data to plan intention reteaches, as well as making sure that our data systems and analysis are done with an equity lens to ensure achievement for all students. Additionally, we turn our attention to supporting and coaching others to be strong leaders of data driven instruction. Given that the PLC will be small (no more than 35 members) we will also have a chance to develop a community of practitioners who can learn and grow from the wisdom and expertise of each other.
Ideal Candidate
TheData Informed Decision Making Professional Learning Community (DIDM PLC) will be intentionally small, with no more than 35 members per cohort. The PLC will be open to leaders who have done or will be doing Relay’s one week Instructional Leadership Professional Development program (ILPD) who want to go deeper on one strand of Relay’s Instructional Leadership content.

To learn more about the supporting conditions and infrastructure necessary for a successful partnership, click here.
Program Schedule
Dates TBD
Program Fee
$3,000 (in addition to the ILPD program fee)
Ready to Partner?
Are you ready to become a Relay partner? To learn more about our programs, complete our interest form.
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If you are already a Relay partner, complete the seat request form to reserve spots in our leadership programs.