Apply for Aid

Here, you'll find Relay's quick and easy guide to financial aid applications.
Step 1.
FAFSA (042086)
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (or FAFSA) is the first step to applying for federal financial aid. It’s your one-stop application that tells you exactly what kind of federal aid you qualify for. This is the broad measuring stick the government uses to determine your eligibility for financial aid.
FAFSA is the crux of all federal financial aid, either federal direct unsubsidized loans or federal TEACH Grant. When completing, please be sure to complete your FAFSA for the accurate academic year. If you need clarity, feel free to reach out to
Relay’s school code is 042086
Step 2.
Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan Option
2A: Federal Direct Loan Entrance Counseling
Federal Direct Loan Entrance Counseling informs borrowers on what to expect over the lifetime of their loan, requirements, obligations, and when payments will begin.
Special Note: When asked to enter the school you want the record sent to or for a school code, search using state and choose 'New York' and Relay will be an option.
2B: Federal Direct Loan Master Promissory Note
Federal Direct Unsubsidized loan Master Promissory Note is your contractual agreement to the terms of the loan you are requesting. Please be sure to avoid a FederalPLUS MPN as Relay does not accept FederalPLUS loans.
2C: Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan Request/update Form
Students need to complete this form to inform Relay how much in loans you intend to request each term. Please remember that your federal direct unsubsidized loan, in addition to your other forms of assistance, cannot exceed the cost of attendance.
Loan updates can be processed for active terms, but cannot retroactively change a loan from a previous term. You must complete the entire loan update section. Blank fields will signal a zero dollar request, change, or cancellation.
Step 3.
Federal Teach Grant Option
3A: Federal Teach Grant Entrance Counseling
Federal TEACH Grant Entrance Counseling informs grantees what to expect over the lifetime of their grant, requirements, obligations, and terms and conditions to remain grant eligible
3B: Serve or Repay (Agreement)
Federal TEACH Grant Agreement to Serve is your contractual agreement to the terms of the grant you are requesting.
3C: Federal Teach Grant Application
Federal TEACH Grant Applications are used to inform Relay that you wish to apply for a TEACH Grant and understand and accept the terms of the agreement.
Step 4.
Additional Required Documents
You may be asked to provide additional documentation following submission of these requirements. Examples include proof of citizenship/naturalization, proof of selective service registration, or transcripts from previously attended universities. If we are prompted by the US Department of Education, then we will request and retain these items on file in order to process your federal financial aid request.
Step 5.
Verification and Confirmation
After receiving all your requirements, we will review your application which includes, but is not limited to: your last attendance, the program you are in, the amount you requested, your other forms of aid, and more. If we need additional information, we will contact you immediately. When we are successful in processing your request, we will email you confirmation with the amount that was processed during that disbursement period.