How to Partner

Relay partners with organizations across the country to provide valuable, empowering leadership programs.
The deadline to request seats to Relay’s Leadership Programs has passed. A waitlist has begun for NPAF, NPSA, ILPD, and the DIDM PLC. Seats are still available for ISLI. Partners on the waitlist will be notified by the week of April 12th if we are able to accommodate their requests.
The process outlined below steps is for partners interested in requesting seats to Relay’s national leadership programs (NPAF, NPSA, ISLI, ILPD). Partners interested in California Instructional Leadership Development can request seats here.
Step 1.
Schedule a Call
Schedule a Call (New Partners Only). If you are a new partner, submit this interest form and a member of our team will schedule an informational call. Prior to the call, we ask that you complete a readiness assessment to determine your organization's readiness to participate.
Step 2.
Request Seats
To request seats, returning and newly approved partners should complete the 2021-2022 National Programs Seat Request Form by one of the following deadlines:
- Priority Deadline: Monday, February 22, 2021
- This deadline is highly recommended for those who are interested in June summer intensive dates. Seats in the June cohort typically fill quickly.
- Final Deadline: March 8, 2021
- Seats requested after this date will be accepted based on availability. Typically, a waitlist begins by mid-February.
Step 3.
Submit Participant List & MOU
After we have reviewed your seat request form, partners will receive a dashboard, including a memorandum of understanding and a participant list template. Signed MOUs and participant lists are due by April 9, 2021.
Step 4.
Review important dates
Download The Partnership Toolkit for critical important partnership and admission dates.
Review National Programs Summer Intensive dates here.
Please contact if you have additional questions about the partnership process.