Hollyhock Humanities Fellowship Application

Review the eligibility requirements, selection criteria, application components, and the application process timeline for the Hollyhock Humanities Fellowship.
Hollyhock Humanities Fellowship Information
Eligibility Requirements
- Apply as a high school history/ social studies teacher during your 3rd through 10th+ year of teaching
- Teach at a NY metro area high school where more than 50% of the students qualify for free and reduced lunch
- Maintain at least a part-time classroom teaching position at your current school site for the duration of the fellowship
- Attend the Summer Seminar from July 18-22 and July 25-29, 2022 and all four Saturday intersessions (on Oct. 15, 2022, Dec. 10, 2022, Feb. 27, 2023, May 20, 2023) as well as trips to NYC cultural institutions-- no late arrivals/early departures for personal or professional reasons
- Participate in and prepare fully for all of the school-year, video-conference coaching sessions
- Have access to a computer or tablet that can support the technology interface
Criteria for Selection
- A belief in personal responsibility to work for equitable outcomes for all students
- Demonstrated growth mindset to continuously improve with openness to feedback and a willingness to practice and to be videoed while teaching.
- Investment in collaboration with a community of colleagues
- A belief in equitable outcomes for all students
- Commitment to professional growth as a classroom teacher and as a leading teacher beyond the classroom
- Support from school administration to participate fully during the summer seminar and school year and bring what you learned back to your school
Components of the Application
Share information about yourself as a classroom teacher, your school, and district by responding to a series of multiple-choice questions.
Answer four short answer questions (250-300 word limit per question)
- What is your “Why?” Why are you a history/social studies /humanities teacher? What is your mission and purpose? 250 words limit
- Please review program details on our website to answer this fully. What are your teaching strengths and what are your goals for growing in your teaching? In what ways do you want to be better for your kids? How do your goals align with the elements of the Relay Hollyhock Humanities Fellowship Program? 300 words limit
- What are some of the challenges you face in supporting students to learn at your school and what is your role in ensuring all students learn? 250 words limit
- Share a time when you received feedback on your teaching and how you responded to it? 250 words limit
Please submit a small portfolio of teaching artifacts from a lesson that you are proud of and that reflects your teaching. You should submit the following three items all combined into one pdf document. Use the naming convention First_LastName_Portfolio. Please include:
- a single lesson plan* of no more than 3 pages in pdf format, please annotate that lesson to explain why you are proud of it and how it reflects your teaching.
- *If you are provided lesson plans by your school or if the lesson you submit is not your own work, please add bolded annotations that indicate how you made the plan your own, while teaching it.
- A student handout or materials of no more than 3 pages, in the same pdf document as the lesson plan and student work.
- Two samples of student written work ideally connected to the lesson but they do not have to be. Please submit a high-performing example and a low-performing example Please put them together in the same pdf document as the lesson plan and materials.
School Leadership Reference
Request one school leader to serve as a reference who can respond to the following four statements about the applicant and write a short paragraph explaining their ratings.
We recommend that you talk to this person as soon as possible. As soon as you submit the reference request form (which must be completed by January 17th), we will generate an email to the principal (or the other administrator) with a link to the recommendation request. Your application is considered incomplete if not submitted by February 4, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
It is your responsibility to follow up with your recommenders to ensure your application is complete.
Listed below is what your recommenders will be asked to respond to for your application.
- Please rate your level of agreement with these four statements: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree
- a. This applicant is an effective experienced teacher whom colleagues and students deeply respect.
- b. This applicant is likely to continue to work and grow as a classroom teacher for at least the next two years.
- c. This applicant is a conscientious and collaborative team player who follows through on commitments and responds to email/other forms of communication in a timely manner.
- d. This applicant is open to feedback and willing to work to improve their practice.
- Please write a 4-6 sentence elaboration on your ratings for this teacher.
Timeline for the Application Process
- Applications open each year on November 8, 2021 and close February 4, 2022
- Applicants will be notified by mid- March, 2022 if they have been accepted, waitlisted, or declined.
- Applicants have one week to accept or decline their invitations
- Waitlisted applicants will be invited on a rolling basis from April to June IF accepted applicants decline or have to withdraw from the fellowship.
Application Checklist
To apply for a Relay Hollyhock Humanities Fellowship, please review the application checklist and the descriptions of your commitments and our support for you as a fellow. You will need to acknowledge that you understand both your commitment and our support.
- Section 1: Review the overview (be sure to check the acknowledgement boxes).
- Section 2: Fill in information about you.
- Section 3: Fill in information about your school and district.
- Section 4: Respond to four short-answer questions.
- Section 5: Upload teaching materials you are proud of: lesson plan, student materials, student work and reflection on why you are proud of it.
- Section 6: Complete demographics (optional)
- Recommendation Request: please submit the name and email of an administrator/school leader
Summer Seminar and Saturday Intersession Dates
- July 18-22 and July 25-29, 2022, daily from 9:00 - 4:30 PM
- Saturday intersessions on Oct. 15, 2022, Dec. 10, 2022, Feb. 27, 2023, May 20, 2023, from 10:00am - 3:00 PM
Application Links
Please use the buttons below to complete your application and to request a reference.
Reference Request: Use the button below to request your administrator complete a reference form. You will need to add their name and email address. Please make sure the email address is correct. This request must be completed by January 17, 2022, so your references have time to submit by Feb. 4th, 2022. Your application will not be reviewed without this reference.
Application: This will take you to the actual application form. Please complete and submit it by February 4th, 2022 at 11:59 PM.
Reference Referral
Your reference referral form must be submitted by January 17, 2022, and your reference must be submitted by February 4, 2022.
Apply Now
Begin your application to the Hollyhock Humanities Fellowship program today!